Tracking The Cause(s) Of Erectile Dysfunction

Tracking The Cause(s) Of Erectile Dysfunction

As long as we’re determined to keep ourselves healthy, no topic is off-limits — including erectile dysfunction (ED).

Just ask urologist Dr. Jared Bieniek and iHeartMedia/Connecticut Community Affairs Director Renee Dinino, who tackled this sensitive subject on a recent podcast.

“You are not alone. It’s very, very common,” is how Dr. Bieniek counsels men and couples who come to see him about the issue. “If you look at statistics, half the men over the age of 50 are struggling with erections.”

ED is also caused by multiple medical issues, according to Dr. Bieniek.

“It could be due to blood vessel issues,” said Dr. Bieniek. “It can be due to high blood pressure. Diabetes can have a significant impact. Smoking can have an impact. There are certain medications that can play into things as well. Men may have had injuries in the past.”

What’s happening in a man’s head that could play a role.

“There are psychologic factors in some men that play either a large part or a not much of a part,” he said.

Multiple treatment options exist that can be individualized to each man to restore his sexual confidence.  It is important to talk about concerns with your doctor and seek an experienced urologist if first-line options are no longer helping.

For more information or to find a doctor to treat this condition, visit the Hartford HealthCare Tallwood Urology & Kidney Institute website here, or cal 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373). 

